Recent Reviews

Company Name: Alt Company Name:

Music Publishers

Num A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Music Publisher Alt Name URL Agreement Type Active Submission Method Accepts Submissions Submission Fee Retitles
Ramblin' Man Yes
Submission Instructions:
Real Cues Yes
Submission Instructions:
Really Slow Motion Yes
Submission Instructions:
Red Cola Yes Yes
Submission Instructions: There are no submissions instructions on the website however there is a submissions email address;
Red Lab Records Yes
Submission Instructions:
Red Queen Music Harry Warren Entertainment Yes
Submission Instructions:
Redi-Trax CSS Music Yes
Submission Instructions:
Regime Entertainment Yes
Submission Instructions:
Reserve Music Limited Yes
Submission Instructions:
Riptide One RipTide Music Group Yes Yes
Submission Instructions: The following information can be found here:!custom_page?pageId=911 "Submissions: Please direct us to your online links only. We will delete any MP3s or files upon receipt that are emailed to us as attachments. If we are interested in working with you… we’ll be in contact. Thanks!"
RNE Audio Yes
Submission Instructions:
Robotic Bear Yes No
Submission Instructions:
Rockwell Music Yes
Submission Instructions:
RoyaltyFreeMusic Exclusive Yes Online Yes
Submission Instructions: The following information can be found here: "I am a musician/composer. Do you accept submissions? Yes, we accept submissions You can send mp3s of your work via a free website called The email should be addressed to Please also send a direct email letting us know the WeTransfer files are on the way, with an explanation of what you are sending. Please note that we only work with exclusive content, so there is no need to submit any work that is available with another music library or website, or under contract with any other music publisher, library, or song plugger. The only exception to this is if you simply want us to hear what you are capable of, but are not submitting those songs for consideration in our catalog."
Rumblecuts Rumble1 Yes
Submission Instructions:
Submission Instructions: