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Chicago Music Library

Num A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Alt Company Name:
Company Type: Music Library
Address: 18034 Ventura Blvd Suite 450 Encino CA 91316 USA
Contact Name:
Main Phone: 818.906.3988
Alt Phone2:
Main Email:
Alt Email:
Active Company: Yes
Company URL:
Submission URL:
Agreement Type:
Accepts Submissions: Yes
Submission Fee: Unknown -
Submission Instructions: The following information can be found here: "HOW DO I SUBMIT MY MUSIC FOR LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES? Do you accept submissions? Yes! If you would like to submit music to the Chicago Music Library please send us a streaming link via soundcloud, reverbnation, etc. or send us downloadable links with two or three of your best tracks as mp3s via hightail or wetransfer (do not attach files via e-mail, these will not be considered). Send links to Please supply all your contact info as well, and we will get back to you if we believe we can facilitate your music in our library. If you do decide to submit music to us make sure that you are registered with the proper performing rights society such as ASCAP, BMI or SESAC. Additionally, you as the artist must own your music outright - both master and synchronization rights. All your material must be original meaning absolutely NO samples."
Retitle: Unknown -
Contract Length:
License Split:
PRO Split:


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