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Village Sound

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Alt Company Name:
Company Type:
Address: 5821 Russell Street Hallifax Nova Scotia B3K 1X5 Canada
Contact Name:
Main Phone: 902.446.0245
Alt Phone2:
Main Email:
Alt Email:
Active Company: Yes
Company URL:
Submission URL:
Agreement Type: Exclusive and Non-Exclusive
Accepts Submissions: Yes
Submission Fee: Unknown
Submission Instructions: Follow the instructions on the submission page found here and shown below: "SUBMISSIONS Welcome to Village Sound, the home of east coast Canada’s only production music library! HOW DO I SUBMIT TRACKS? Email 2 MP3s of your strongest works to: They should be tracks that best represent your abilities. They should be sample-free and please no cover songs. Please inform us of any record company or publisher affiliations. Download this submission guide. Note: We listen to all submissions, but unfortunately not all of the music we receive is right for our library. We try to get back to everyone ASAP, but due to a large quantity of submissions, if you haven’t heard from us within 3-4 weeks, we’ve probably passed on your submission."
Retitle: Unknown
Contract Length:
License Split:
PRO Split:


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