Alt Company Name: |
Company Type: |
Music Library |
Address: |
PO BOX 314 Brooklyn NY 11201 USA |
Contact Name: |
Main Phone: |
(718) 683-5907 |
Alt Phone2: |
Main Email: |
Alt Email: |
Active Company: |
Yes |
Company URL: | |
Submission URL: |
Twitter: | |
Facebook: | |
Agreement Type: |
Accepts Submissions: |
Yes |
Submission Fee: |
Unknown |
Submission Instructions: |
The following information can be found here:!custom_page?pageId=817
"Q: Do you accept unsolicited music?
A: NO. If you are a composer or an indie artist and you think you have the goods to be a part of the HAUS collection, you should email us with links to your work and some bio material. Unsolicited music will be treated as junk mail." |
Retitle: |
Unknown |
Contract Length: |
License Split: |
PRO Split: |